Singaporeans nowadays are preoccupied with their work and busy schedule such that they could only see things that inconvenience them, such as poor customer service and poor facilities. Thus, they would complain and demand the relevant authorities to remove the inconvenience.
Being a typical busy Singaporean, I am also guilty of this. I seldom see the benefits of my friends’ actions and often dread assisting them. I would complain and pushed myself through the job and forget about it later. I almost never praise them for what they had done for me.
However, there are still a minority of Singaporeans that are considerate and understanding. They are not stingy with their praises and commend people for their good intents. Although they are only a small number of people, they are very influential people and more are becoming like them. If they are given time, they would become the majority and Singaporeans would also know when to praise and complain.
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