The Authors

Sunday, July 27, 2008

1. What would you do if you had to look after a five-year- old child for the day?

The only time I have ever babysat for anyone is babysitting my younger cousins with an age ranch of about three to five years old. However, it is only on rare occasions. Of course the rare babysitting experiences were pretty interesting and fun-filled for me, despite the many difficulties I had encountered.
Looking after a five-year old child isn’t as easy as it seems. It involves planning ahead, adjusting to ever changing situations and also ensuring the safety of the child at all times. And as any adults know, five-year olds are a bunch of hyperactive and vocal kids and they tend to run around and scream for their needs, to the worse extend not listen to you at all. Therefore, maintaining a form of discipline to gain respect from the child is necessary at all times.
If I were to look after a five-year old child for a day, I will definitely make the day an eventful and exciting one to keep the child entertained. Before the babysitting session, I will plan out all the things I will do with the child and a backup plan in case of any unforeseen circumstances.
All children enjoy watching cartoons like Tom and Jerry. Hence, I’ll bring some of my old video CDs of those cartoons for the child to watch while preparing meals for him or her. This will prevent the child from getting bored and to end up running and wreaking havoc all over the house while I am busy in the kitchen.
Most kids I’ve seen are very keen in entertaining themselves with doodles and colours during their free time, hence after the meals; I will help the child with his or her school work if any. Alternatively, I will give the child a colouring book to colour and doodle in.
Always being cooped up in a house isn’t very healthy, not even for a five year old. Therefore in order to allow the child to have the luxury of running around in the outdoors and breathe in the fresh surrounding air, I will bring the child out to the nearest neighbourhood park and have a game of Frisbee with him or her. That is provided that the weather permits for any outdoor activities. This will definitely help stimulate the hyperactive juices in the child and allow the child to be able to run freely about and enjoy the game as well. Having a few rounds on the bike is also a plus point for the child that is provided that he or she knows how to cycle in the first place. An outdoor picnic in the park after the activities will be set up with all the prepared food and snacks for the child to munch on.
When it is about time that to parents of the child are back to look after the child, I will bring the child back to the house for a bath. If the parents are still not back yet, I will keep the child entertained with a few rounds of Snakes and Ladders. The game never fails to bring in anticipation and laughter into the players.
These are the activities I will organize and execute if I were to look after a five year old kid; of course nothing will ever go smoothly but I believe that as long as the kid is enjoying him or herself, the babysitting session is a success.

-XiaoXuan (6)


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